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Tuesday 23 May 2017

Know Your Optimal Weight

All of us grudgingly know how much we weigh but not many of us know how much we should weigh.

Knowing your optimal body weight is the first step towards fitness.

Your ideal body weight will help you know where to stop and not worry about losing more.

No one wants to be called a stick figure right? Similarly, your optimal body weight will tell you how much more weight do you need to lose to achieve the ideal. 

The Tell-Tale Signs

Your optimal weight is the one you’re the healthiest at.

Some times to know whether you’ve reached your optimal weight, you just have to listen to your body.

It might be giving away hints that you haven’t yet paid attention to.

If your hunger pattern and weight are stabilized, your skin is clear, everything is hunky-dorky with your body and your energy is boosting through the roof.

Then you probably shouldn't push yourself anymore to shed more pounds.

These tell-tale signs are enough to know that you’ve reached your optimal weight.

Do The Math

Everyone’s optimal weight is different and depends on factors like age, height,
muscle mass,
bone density,
and fitness level.

The best way to determine your optimal weight is Body Mass Index (BMI).

Having a BMI of 25.0 would normally mean that you’re overweight, while a BMI below 18.5 indicates being underweight.

You can calculate your BMI by using this BMI Calculator and figure out the category that you fall under.

Leave a Little Wiggle Room

Your BMI might not always indicate your optimal weight correctly.

The BMI calculators only take into consideration a rough idea of your

frame-size, ignoring your muscle mass, bone density, and other important factors.

You could be lean and still have a high-is BMI.

Pay close attention to what your body’s telling

you or consult a doctor to be sure.

Use The Jeans Test

You should be at your healthiest weight if you're eating clean, exercising regularly, sleeping well and keeping stress at the minimum.

Everything is well and you’re slipping

right into your favorite jeans with ease.

But if fitting into your jeans is starting to require more struggle than usual,

something might be going on with your weight.

Go ahead, weigh yourself and work towards getting it back in range.

Don’t be A Slave To The Scale

It’s okay to weigh yourself once a week. However, taking out the scale every other day and being overly obsessive is unhealthy. There’s absolutely no need to freak out on a slight fluctuation. That’s totally normal and could occur if you had a heavy meal last night. 

If you know your optimal weight, it’s easier for to you maintain your workout routine and diet accordingly. So, follow the tips above and get your lazy bottoms up to work towards achieving your ideal weight.